(A)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   The permitted uses in a planned unit development district ordinance are subject to the discretion and approval of the Plan Commission and Town Council.
      (2)   The permitted uses shall be determined in consideration of the Comprehensive Plan and the existing zoning district designation of the area being rezoned to a planned unit development, the land use contiguous to the area being rezoned to a planned unit development and the development standards and design standards of the Ellettsville Municipal Code.
   (B)   Development standards.
      (1)   The development standards in a planned unit development district ordinance are subject to the discretion and approval of the Plan Commission and Town Council.
      (2)   The development standards shall be determined in consideration of the Comprehensive Plan, the existing zoning district designation of the area being rezoned to a planned unit development, and the development and design standards of the Ellettsville Municipal Code.
(Ord. 2012-09, passed 5-29-2012)