§ 31.52  DUTIES.
   The Town Manager is the administrative head of the town government and shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
   (A)   Shall, attend the meetings of the Town Council and recommend actions he or she considers advisable;
   (B)   Shall, in conjunction with the supervisors, make recommendations to the Town Council for the hiring of town employees according to the pay, schedules and standards fixed by the Town Council;
   (C)   Shall, in conjunction with the supervisors, make recommendations to the Town Council for the suspension, discharge, removal or transfer of town employees, except for the Police Department Marshal and deputies and the Fire Chief and firefighters, if necessary for the welfare of the town;
   (D)   May, delegate any of his or her powers to an employee responsible to him or her;
   (E)   Shall, administer and enforce all ordinances, orders, and resolutions of the Town Council;
   (F)   Shall see that all statutes that are required to be administered by the Town Council or a town officer subject to the control of the Town Council are faithfully administered;
   (G)   Shall work with the Town Clerk Treasurer to prepare budget estimates and submit them to the Town Council when required;
   (H)   Shall serve as the town’s purchasing agent to authorize routine purchases and execute contracts on behalf of the town for materials, supplies, services, or improvements, for all purchases in the amount of $25,000 or less and for which funds have been budgeted by the Council;
   (I)   May, with approval of the Town Council, execute contracts after the completion of the appropriations, notice, and competitive bidding required by statute after the contracts have been reviewed and approved by the Town Council;
   (J)   May receive service of summons on behalf of the town;
   (K)   Shall perform all other duties as listed in the job description for the Town Manager, which job description shall be on file with the Town Clerk Treasurer and may be amended from time to time by the Council;
   (L)   Shall perform all other duties that the Town Council may, from time to time, assign.
(Ord. 2014-02, passed 3-24-2014)