A. Building Sites: The lot arrangement, design, and shape shall be such that lots will provide satisfactory and desirable sites for buildings, be properly related to topography and conform to requirements set forth herein. Building sites shall not be designed to contain areas which are determined to be a peninsula unless the exclusion of said area would result in the creation of residual or remnant property or parcels. Under no circumstances shall the area of any such peninsula in a lot be included in computing the total or buildable area of the lot. (Ord. 03-8-26-4, 8-26-2003, eff. 9-26-2003)
B. Conform To Zoning Provisions: All lots shown on the subdivision plat must conform to the minimum requirements of the zone in which the subdivision is located. (Ord. 97-7-8-8, 7-8-1997)
C. Corner Lots:
1. Orientation: All vehicular access and egress routes shall be oriented toward a street of minor collector class or lower. In addition, the following shall apply:
a. In the instance that such a property abuts two (2) streets of minor collector class or lower, the access and egress routes shall be oriented towards the street of lowest classification.
b. In the instance that such a property abuts two (2) streets of major collector class or higher, the access and egress routes shall be oriented towards the street of lowest classification. In addition, one of the following shall be installed as a part of the access or egress route:
(1) Circular driveway.
(2) Hammerhead driveway. (Ord. 06-17, 11-14-2006)
2. Petition For Higher Classification: When access or egress onto the street of lesser classification is thought to be inconsistent with the planned development for the property, the applicant may petition the Planning Commission requesting access or egress onto the street of higher classification. (Ord. 02-1-8-1, 1-8-2002, eff. 2-8-2002; amd. Ord. 06-17, 11-14-2006)
3. Review; Appeal: Upon a decision being rendered by the Planning Commission, the applicant may petition the City Council for review of the Planning Commission's decision. Upon a decision being rendered by the City Council, an applicant feeling aggrieved by said decision may appeal to the Appeal Authority as stipulated in Utah Code Annotated section 10-9-704. (Ord. 02-1-8-1, 1-8-2002, eff. 2-8-2002; amd. Ord. 06-17, 11-14-2006; Ord. 07-7, 4-24-2007)
D. Angle Of Lot Lines: Side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles, or radial to the street line, except where topographic conditions make it advisable to have side lot lines deflect at sharper angles. (Ord. 97-7-8-8, 7-8-1997)
E. Water And Sewer:
1. All lots within the subdivision shall be served by a central, State approved water system (i.e., City, Goosenest, Loafer Canyon water system), providing adequate flow and pressure for both culinary and fire purposes.
2. All lots within the subdivision shall be served by the City sanitary sewer collection system. (Ord. 15-4, 9-8-2015, eff. 12-23-2015)