In the event of the death or resignation of a person listed on a brothel license whose participation in the brothel is necessary for its continued operation, in order to prevent undue hardship to the licensee, the City Clerk, with the concurrence of the police, may issue a ninety (90) day "temporary license" to the licensee's attorney-in-fact or guardian, the personal representative of the licensee's estate, or the trustee of the licensee's trust, or any other person determined by the City to be otherwise eligible to serve as a licensee in accordance with this chapter, pending the processing of an application for a new brothel license; provided, however, that at the time any such temporary license is issued by the City Clerk, a full and complete application for a new brothel license shall be on file with the City Clerk, along with a nonrefundable investigation fee in an amount set by resolution of the Board; further provided, that at the time any such temporary license is issued by the City Clerk, the matter shall be referred to the police for a complete investigation of the new application for a new brothel license. The police shall thereafter submit the investigative findings and recommendation for denial or approval of a new brothel license to the Board. (Ord. 837, 1-8-2019)