1-5-12: NOTICES:
Notice of close of registration shall be given by the city clerk at the time and in the manner provided for in Nevada Revised Statutes chapter 293C and Nevada administrative code chapter 293C. The city clerk shall include in the notice of close of registration a statement indicating the last date and time on which persons may file affidavits of candidacy and pay the filing fee for such election in the manner specified in section 1-5-4 of this chapter. The city council shall, by resolution, enact a proclamation and order containing the information required by NAC 293C.060 pertaining to the publication of notices designating the offices for which candidates are to be elected. The city clerk shall thereafter publish in a newspaper having a general circulation in the city, a copy of the proclamation, resolution and order described in this section. The proclamation, resolution and order shall be published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof to be made within one week from the date of enactment of such proclamation, resolution and order. The city clerk shall also post a copy of the proclamation, resolution and order in the office of the city clerk within one week from the date of its enactment and shall further post a copy of the notice of close of registration to be given pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes chapter 293C in the office of the city clerk within one week of the date of first publication of such notice of close of registration. (Ord. 799, 1-12-2016)