Section 9.010 Severability Of Provisions.
If any portion of this charter is held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this charter. The legislature hereby declares that it would have passed the charter and each portion thereof, irrespective of the portion which may be deemed unconstitutional or otherwise invalid.
Section 9.020 Effect Of Enactment Of Charter.
1. All rights and property of every kind and description which were vested in the city prior to the enactment of this charter shall be vested in the same municipal corporation on the effective date of this charter. No right or liability, either in favor of or against such corporation existing at the time of becoming incorporated under this charter, and no action or prosecution shall be affected by such change, but it shall stand and progress as if no change has been made.
2. Whenever a different remedy is given by this charter, which may properly be made applicable to any right existing at the time of such city so becoming incorporated under this charter, such remedy shall be cumulative to the remedy before provided, and used accordingly.
3. All ordinances and resolutions in effect in the city prior to the effective date of this charter shall, unless in conflict with the provisions of this charter, continue in full force and effect until amended or repealed.
4. The enactment of this charter shall not effect any change in the legal identity of the city.
5. The enactment of this charter shall not be construed to repeal or in any way affect or modify:
(a) Any special, local or temporary law.
(b) Any law or ordinance making an appropriation.
(c) An ordinance affecting any bond issue or by which any bond issue may have been authorized.
(d) The running of the statute of limitations in force at the time this charter becomes effective.
(e) Any bond of any public officer. (Ord. AB11, amended, 10-2-2001)