A.   CC Convenience Commercial District: This district is intended to accommodate small scale convenience centers, which are under one roof and served by an adequate off street parking area, and which are designed to meet the incidental daily convenience needs of immediately adjacent residential areas.
      1.   Principal Uses Permitted:
         Barber and beauty shops.
         Retail establishments selling a line of convenience goods similar to that of supermarkets but more limited in scale.
         Self-service laundry and self-service dry cleaning establishments; laundry or dry cleaning pick up outlets.
         Similar commercial-retail activities.
      2.   Accessory Uses Permitted: No accessory buildings, structures or uses shall be permitted, except off street parking and loading, trash enclosures and accessory signs.
      3.   Property Development Standards For Permitted Principal Uses: Area, height, bulk and placement requirements:
Lot Area
(Sq. Ft.)
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Minimum Setbacks For Principal Buildings
Maximum Building Height
Maximum Of Lot Coverage
Interior Line Side Yard
Convenience commercial
25', 2 stories or in accordance with city airport master plan, whichever is the least
      4.   General Regulations:
         a.   The outdoor storage of goods or materials shall be prohibited.
         b.   Warehousing or the indoor storage of goods or material beyond that normally incidental to permitted uses shall be prohibited.
         c.   The planning commission, subject to approval of the city council, may require landscaping to promote compatibility with the neighborhood.
      5.   Conditional Use Permits Required: All developments in CC zoning districts shall be subject to the conditional use permit procedure as set forth in section 3-2-18 of this chapter. (Ord. 256, 4-11-1978; amd. Ord. 460, 8-22-1995)
   B.   CT Commercial Transitional District:
      1.   Intent: The purpose of the CT zoning district is to establish a transitional zone between more intense commercial districts and residential districts, particularly along higher volume traffic corridors, and to promote a pattern of land use suitable for the development of professional and business offices and limited service, retail and commercial activities. The CT district is intended to protect established residential neighborhoods from the type of land use associated with high levels of noise, illumination and traffic that could be detrimental to the characteristics of the residential neighborhood.
      2.   Principal Permitted Uses:
         Art studios.
         Banks, financial institutions.
         Barber and beauty shops.
         Childcare centers.
         Healing art, healthcare facilities, including medical and dental offices.
         Laboratories: medical, dental, optical.
         Laundry or dry cleaning pick up outlets.
         Lodges, fraternal organizations, recreation, social and service clubs.
         Offices: both business and professional, including accountants, architects, collection agencies, chiropractors, employment agencies, engineers, health services, insurance agencies, law offices, real estate, stenographic services, title insurance firms.
         Pharmacies when operated in conjunction with, and within the same building as, a medical clinic.
         Photographic studios.
         Schools for music, dance, teaching and creative arts.
         Trade schools.
         Travel agencies.
         Uses determined to be functionally comparable to principal permitted uses in this zone.
      3.   Conditional Uses Permitted:
         Churches, church facility complexes and places of religious worship.
         Convalescent hospitals, sanatoriums, nursing homes, homes for the aged.
         Funeral homes and mortuaries.
         Multiple-family residential developments which contain five (5) or more units located on a single lot or parcel; townhouse, condominium or attached housing developments.
         Restaurants, sandwich and beverage shops, delicatessens.
         Theaters, indoor.
         Similar uses determined to be functionally comparable to conditional permitted uses in this zone.
      4.   Property Development Standards:
         a.   Lot Area: The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet.
         b.   Lot Width: The minimum lot width shall be one hundred feet (100').
         c.   Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage shall be fifty percent (50%).
         d.   Front Yard: A minimum setback of thirty feet (30') shall be required.
         e.   Rear Yard: A minimum setback of ten feet (10') shall be required.
         f.   Interior Side: A minimum setback of zero feet (0') to five and one-half feet (51/2') shall be required. Interior side yards which abut any residential district shall observe the five and one-half foot (51/2') setback required as part of the R zoning district.
         g.   Exterior Side: A minimum setback of thirty feet (30') shall be required.
         h.   Building Height: Building height shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'), or requirements contained within the city airport master plan, whichever is the most restrictive.
      5.   General Regulations:
         a.   The outdoor storage of goods or materials shall be prohibited.
         b.   Warehousing or the indoor storage of goods or materials beyond that normally incidental to permitted uses shall be prohibited. (Ord. 460, 8-22-1995)