All building construction work and the inspections thereof must be in conformity with the provisions of this code and with the latest edition of the international residential code, which is hereby adopted by the city, with the following specific deletions and additions:
Chapter 1 - Scope And Administration
Chapter 1 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by title 2 chapter 1, "Building Regulations Administrative Code", of the city code.
Chapter 2 - Definitions
Section R202 - Definitions.
Revise and/or add the following definitions to section R202 as follows:
Townhouse. A single-family dwelling unit constructed in a group of two or more attached units completely independent of all other such units in the building by reason of separation therefrom by un-pierced party walls in which each unit extends from foundation to roof and with open space on at least two sides, and as recorded on a final parcel map or final subdivision map.
Sleeping Area. Any area that includes one or more sleeping rooms that are located on the same floor and are not separated by another habitable room, such as a living room, dining room or kitchen (but not a bathroom, hallway or closet).
Sleeping Room. Any sleeping room, bedroom, basement, loft, mezzanine or other room that is ordinarily used or intended to be used for sleeping purposes. The term is deemed to include any room that contains a closet and that provides for occupant privacy.
Surcharge. A vertical load imposed on the retained soil that may impose a lateral force in addition to the lateral earth pressure of the retained soil. Examples include:
.   Sloped retained soil.
.   Structure footings supported by the retained soil.
.   Adjacent vehicle loads supported by the retained soil.
Temporary. A defined time set by the city not to exceed 90 days. Extension of time may be granted upon written request.
Chapter 3 - Building Planning
Section R301 - Design Criteria.
Revise section R301 as follows:
R301.1.2 Construction Systems.
The requirements of this code are based on platform and balloon-frame construction for light-frame buildings. The requirements for concrete and masonry buildings are based on a balloon framing system. Other framing systems must have equivalent detailing to ensure force transfer, continuity and compatible deformations. All structural plain (unreinforced) concrete must be designed in accordance with the 2009 IBC. All plain (unreinforced) masonry, and rubble stone masonry construction is prohibited. All tables, figures and references for these unreinforced systems are deleted.
Table R301.2(1) Climatic And Geographic Design Criteria.
Amend table R301.2(1) as follows:
   TABLE R301.2(1)
Ground Snow Load
Wind Design
Seismic Design Category f
Subject To Damage From
Topographic effectsk
Frost Line Depthb
30 lb/ft2
Slight to moderate
Winter Design Tempe
Ice Barrier Underlayment Requiredh
Flood Hazardsg
Air Freezing Indexi
Mean Annual Tempj
Varies, see Engineering Dept.
For SI: 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kPa, 1 mile per hour = 0.447 m/s.
a. Where weathering requires a higher strength concrete or grade of masonry than necessary to satisfy the structural requirements of this code, the frost line depth strength required for weathering shall govern. The weathering column shall be filled in with the weathering index, "negligible," "moderate" or "severe" for concrete as determined from Figure R301.2(4). The grade of masonry units shall be determined from ASTM C34, C55, C62, C73, C90, C129, C145, C216 or C652.
b. Where the frost line depth requires deeper footings than indicated in Figure R403.1(1), the frost line depth strength required for weathering shall govern. The jurisdiction shall fill in the frost line depth column with the minimum depth of footing below finish grade.
c. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table to indicate the need for protection depending on whether there has been a history of local subterranean termite damage.
d. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the wind speed from the basic wind speed map [Figure R301.2(5)A]. Wind exposure category shall be determined on a site specific basis in accordance with Section R301.2.1.4.
e. The outdoor design dry bulb temperature shall be selected from the columns of 971/2 percent values for winter from Appendix D of the International Plumbing Code. Deviations from the Appendix D temperatures shall be permitted to reflect local climates or local 33 weather experience as determined by the building official. [Also see Figure R301.2(1).]
f. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the seismic design category determined from Section R301.2.2.1.
g. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with (a) the date of the jurisdiction's entry into the National Flood Insurance Program (date of adoption of the first code or ordinance for management of flood hazard areas), (b) the date(s) of the Flood Insurance Study and © the panel numbers and dates of the currently effective FIRMs and FBFMs or other flood hazard map adopted by the authority having jurisdiction, as amended.
h. In accordance with Sections R905.1.2, R905.4.3.1, R905.5.3.1, R905.6.3.1, R905.7.3.1 and 905.8.3.1, where there has been a history of local damage from the effects of ice damming, the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with "YES." Otherwise, the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with "NO."
I. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the 100 year return period air freezing index (BF days) from Figure R403.3(2) or from the 100 year (99 percent) value on the National Climatic Data Center data table "Air Freezing Index USA Method (Base 32°F)."
j. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the mean annual temperature from the National Climatic Data Center data table "Air Freezing Index USA Method (Base 32°F)."
k. In accordance with Section R301.2.1.5, where there is local historical data documenting structural damage to buildings due to topographic wind speed up effects, the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with "YES." Otherwise, the jurisdiction shall indicate "NO" in this part of the table.
l. In accordance with Figure R301.2(5)A, where there is local historical data documenting unusual wind conditions, the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with "YES" and identify any specific requirements. Otherwise, the jurisdiction shall indicate "NO" in this part of the table.
m. In accordance with Section R301.2.1.2 the jurisdiction shall indicate the wind borne debris wind zone(s). Otherwise, the jurisdiction shall indicate "NO" in this part of the table.
n. The jurisdiction shall fill in these sections of the table to establish the design criteria using Table 1a or 1b from ACCA Manual J or established criteria determined by the jurisdiction.
o. The jurisdiction shall fill in this section of the table using the Ground Snow Loads in Figure R301.2(6).
R313 is deleted in its entirety with no replacement.
Adopt Appendix Q in its entirety with no amendments.
(Ord. 724, 2-8-2011; amd. Ord. 839, 6-11-2019)