Whenever used in this Chapter:
JACKPOT MUNICIPAL SEWER SYSTEM shall mean the system of conduits, pumps, treatment plants and structures owned by the unincorporated Town of Jackpot, and used for the purpose of conveying to final points of disposal all wastes of any nature permitted by this Chapter to enter said system. Specifically included as integral parts of the system are all conduits of any nature forming a part of the general network of conduits or connected directly or indirectly to said network; all pumps, treatment plants and structures of any kind used in connection with the collection, treatment and disposal of wastes handled by the system, and all appurtenances to any of the above, either physically or functionally connected therewith. Storm, sanitary and combined sewers, as defined below, are all included as parts of the Municipal sewer system.
ADVISORY COUNCIL shall mean the Citizens Advisory Council consisting of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) members, all of which has been set forth in Section 2-1D-1 of this Elko County Code.
DIRECTOR means the County Manager or any of his duly authorized representatives.
SANITARY SEWERS shall mean those sewers which are designated to collect all waste matter permitted by this Chapter to enter the system other than surface drainage water.
STORM SEWERS shall mean those sewers which are designated to carry surface drainage water and such other waters as are not required to be disposed of through the sanitary sewer system, in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth.
COMBINED SEWERS shall mean those sewers which will carry both waste matter permitted by this Chapter to enter either the sanitary sewers or storm sewers.
PREMISES shall be defined as a continuous tract of land, building or group of adjacent buildings under a single control with respect to use sewer service and responsibility for payment therefor. Subdivision of such use or responsibility shall constitute a division into separate premises as herein defined, except that where more than one dwelling is being served through the same sewer service, in which case each of said dwellings shall constitute a separate premises and shall be subject to the same charges as if separate single family dwellings.
B.O.D. (denoting Biochemical Oxygen Demand) shall mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under the standard laboratory procedure in five (5) days at twenty degrees (20°) Centigrade, expressed in parts per million by weight.
SUSPENDED SOLIDS shall mean solids that either float on the surface if, or are in suspensions in water, sewage or other liquids; and which are removable by laboratory filtering.
FLOW shall mean the volume of sewage being discharged into the sewerage system.
ACT shall mean the Federal Water Pollution Control Act entitled Public Law 92-500, and its amendments of 1972 and 1977, as administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
INDUSTRIAL COST RECOVERY means the financial recovery by the City from the industrial users of the sewerage system of that portion of the U.S. Government grant amount allocable to the treatment of wastes from such users pursuant to Section 204(b) of the Act.
INDUSTRIAL USER means any non-governmental user of publicly- owned treatment works identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented under the following divisions:
   (A)   Division A-Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing.
   (B)   Division B-Mining.
   (C)   Division D-Manufacturing.
   (D)   Division E-Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services.
   (E)   Division I-Services.
Any industrial user is also defined as follows:
   (A)   A non-governmental, non-residential user which discharges more than the equivalent of twenty five thousand (25,000) gallons per day of sanitary waste, and which is identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual under Divisions A, B, D, E and I.
   (B)   A user which discharges any waste water containing toxic pollutants or which has any other adverse effect on the treatment works; or
   (C)   A commercial user of an individual system.
A user in the Divisions listed may be excluded if it is determined that it will introduce primarily segregated waste or wastes from sanitary conveniences.