(A) Meter Test.
1. The District may conduct a meter test any time at its discretion.
2. A customer may, giving not less than one week's notice, request the District to test the meter serving his premises.
3. A customer may have the right to require the District to conduct the test in his presence, or in the presence of his representative.
4. A written report giving the results of the test will be shown to the customer within ten (10) days after completion of the test.
5. The cost of a meter test shall be borne by the customer requesting said test.
(B) Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error:
1. Fast Meters: When upon test a meter is found to be registering more than two percent (2%) fast, under conditions of normal operation, the District will refund to the customer the full amount of the overcharge based on corrected meter readings for the period, not exceeding six (6) months, that the meter was in use; unless the exact duration of fast meter registration can be determined.
2. Slow Meters:
a. When upon test a meter used for domestic or residential service is found to be registering more than twenty five percent (25%) slow, the District may bill the customer for the amount of the undercharge based upon corrected meter readings for the period, not exceeding six (6) months, that the meter was in use.
b. When upon test a meter used for other than domestic or residential service is found to be registering more than five percent (5%) slow, the District may bill the customer for the amount of the undercharge based upon correct meter readings for the period, not exceeding six (6) months, that the meter was in use.
3. Nonregistering and Unreadable Meters: The District shall bill the customer for water consumed while the meter was not registering or not readable. The bill will be the amount computed by multiplying the prevailing flat rate times the total of equivalent units. A pro rata adjustment shall be allowed for periods less than twenty seven (27) days or more than thirty three (33) days. The opinion and findings of the Director shall be conclusive, subject to the right of review and alteration by the Board of Directors.
(A) Nonpayment of Bills:
1. A customer's water service may be discontinued if a bill is not paid within thirty (30) days after presentation. The service will not be discontinued, however, until the amount of the deposit made to establish credit for that service has been fully absorbed.
2. A customer's water service may be discontinued if water service furnished at a previous location is not paid for within thirty (30) days after presentation of a bill.
3. If a customer receives water service at more than one location and the bill for service at any one location is not paid within thirty (30) days after presentation, water service at all locations may be turned off. Domestic service, however, will not be turned off for nonpayment of bills for other classes of service.
(B) Unsafe Apparatus:
1. The District may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to any premises where apparatus, appliances or equipment using water is dangerous, unsafe or not in conformity with any laws or ordinances. All customer installed booster pump installations shall be approved by the District. Where necessary to protect the District system or service, a suction tank may be required.
2. The District does not assume liability for inspecting apparatus on the customer's property. The District does reserve the right of inspection, however, if there is reason to believe that unsafe apparatus is in use.
(C) Service Detrimental to Others:
1. The District may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue services to any premises where the demand is greatly in excess of past average or seasonal use, and where such excessive demands by one customer are or may be detrimental or injurious to the service furnished to other customers.
2. The District may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to any premises where excessive demands by one customer will result in inadequate service to others.
(D) Fraud and Abuse: The District shall have the right to refuse or discontinue water service to any premises to protect itself against fraud or abuse.
For the failure of the customer to comply with all of this Chapter and any ordinance, resolution or order fixing rates and charges of this District, a penalty for which has not heretofore been specifically fixed, the customer's service shall be discontinued and the water shall not be supplied such customer until he shall have complied with the rule or regulation rate or charge which he has violated, or in the event that he cannot comply with said rule or regulation, until he shall have satisfied the District that in the future he will comply with all the rules and regulations established by this Chapter and with all rates and charges of this District. In addition thereto, he shall pay the District a sum to be fixed by the District for renewal of his services. All determinations made by the Board of Directors shall be final and binding upon the customer.
(E) Noncompliance: The District may, unless otherwise provided, discontinue water service to a customer for noncompliance with any of these regulations if the customer fails to comply with them within five (5) days after receiving written notice of the District's intention to discontinue service. If such noncompliance affects matters of health and safety and conditions warrant, the District may discontinue water service immediately.
(F) Customer's Request for Service Discontinuance: Upon application of the owner or occupant of a building or premises to have water shut off, the District will shut off the water and a closing bill rendered to date. The monthly service charge shall be made to the person who has applied for water to be furnished to a premise, whether water is used or not, unless and until the District is requested in writing to discontinue service therefrom.
(G) Restoration-Reconnection Charge: The District shall charge such sum or sums as it from time to time may set by resolution of the Board of Directors for restoring water service which has been discontinued.
It shall be unlawful for any person other than authorized District personnel to turn on water after the same shall have been turned off as herein provided.
(A) Monthly Minimum Service Charge: The minimum monthly service charge for all services within the District shall be fixed by the Board of Directors from time to time and set forth in a resolution.
(B) Service Outside the Boundaries of the District: For water and service furnished to each premise outside the District boundaries, a monthly charge shall be in such amount as the Board of Directors shall from time to time in its sole discretion set by resolution of said Board.
(C) Charges for Water Service: The charges for services and water used within the District boundaries shall be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.
(A) Time Limit: Temporary service connections shall be disconnected and terminated within six (6) months after installation unless an extension of time is granted in writing by the District.
(B) Charge for Water Served: Charges for water furnished through a temporary service connection shall be at the established rates set by the Board of Directors.
(C) Installation Charge and Deposits: The applicant for temporary service will be required:
1. To obtain a portable meter from the District at a rental of two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) per week.
2. To deposit with the District an amount equal to the value of any equipment loaned by the utility to such applicant for use on temporary service, such value to be set by the Director.
(D) Responsibility for Meters and Installation: The customer shall use all possible care to prevent damage to the meter or to any other loaned facilities of the utility which are involved in furnishing the temporary service from the time they are installed until they are removed, or until forty eight (48) hours' notice in writing has been given to the District that the contractor or other person is through with the meter or meters and the installation. If the meter or other facilities are damaged, the cost of making repairs shall be paid by the customer.
(E) Temporary Service on a Fire Hydrant: If temporary service is supplied through a fire hydrant, a permit for the use of the hydrant shall be obtained from the Fire District authority and the District. It is specifically prohibited to operate the valve of any fire hydrant other than by the use of a spanner wrench designed for this purpose. The hydrant valve shall not be used for throttling or regulating the flow rate.
When an abnormally large quantity of water is desired for filling a swimming pool or for other purposes, arrangements must be made with the District prior to taking such water.
Permission to take water in unusual quantities will be given only if it can be safely delivered through the District's facilities and if other consumers are not inconvenienced.
(A) Use of and Damage to Fire Hydrants: No person or persons, other than those designated and authorized by the Fire District authority, or by the District, shall open any fire hydrant, attempt to draw water from it or in any manner damage or tamper with it. Any violation of this regulation will be prosecuted according to law. Any person causing damage to a fire hydrant shall be responsible for its repair or replacement.
(B) Moving of Fire Hydrants: When a fire hydrant has been installed in the location specified by the proper authority, the District has fulfilled its obligation. If a property owner or other party desires a change in the size, type or location of the hydrant, he shall bear all costs of such changes, without refund. Any change in the location of a fire hydrant must be approved by the proper authority.
The customer shall, at his own risk and expense, furnish, install and keep in good and safe condition all equipment that may be required for receiving, controlling, applying and utilizing water, and the District shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the improper installation of such water equipment, or the negligence, want of proper care or wrongful act of the customer or of any of his tenants, agents, employees, contractors, licensees or permittees in installing, maintaining, using, operating or interfering with such equipment. The District shall not be responsible for damage to property caused by spigots, faucets, valves and other equipment that are open when water is turned on, either when the water is turned on originally or when turned on after a temporary shutdown.