(A)   It is unlawful for any person to drive or operate a motor vehicle upon a highway in any other than a careful or prudent manner.
   (B)   It is unlawful for any person to engage in or drive or operate a motor vehicle upon a highway in a speed contest or race with another motor vehicle.
   (C)   Every person driving or operating any motor or other vehicle shall, upon meeting any other vehicle at any place upon any street, alley or highway in the said towns and cities, turn to the right and on all occasions when it is practicable shall travel on the right side of such street, alley or highway.
   (D)   Every person driving or operating any motor or other vehicle shall, upon overtaking and passing any other vehicle, on any street, alley or highway in the said towns and cities, pass to the left of such vehicle and the person driving or operating such vehicle being so overtaken and passed shall give way to the right to allow such vehicle to pass with safety.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate or cause to be driven or operated in or upon any street, alley or highway of the said towns and cities, any motor or other vehicle in a backward direction, if by so doing the free and uninterrupted passage of another vehicle is impeded, and in no event shall any person drive or operate a motor vehicle in the said towns or cities backward and across a street intersection.
   (F)   Every person driving or operating a motor or other vehicle upon the streets, alleys or highway of the said towns and cities shall, before backing such vehicle give ample warning by sounding the horn of said vehicle and while backing exercise unceasing vigilance as not to injure or damage any person or vehicle behind such backing motor vehicle, and in all events the approaching vehicle at the rear of such backing car shall have the right of way.
   (G)   No person shall drive or operate or permit to be driven or operated any motor or other vehicle upon the streets, alleys or highways of the said towns and cities by the side of another vehicle going in the same direction longer than is necessary to pass such other vehicle, and in no event shall one vehicle pass another at a street intersection.