(A)   Initial License: No initial license shall be issued to any person, unless the following requirements are satisfied:
      1.   A majority of the members of the licensing board vote in favor of granting the license.
      2.   The applicant is at least twenty one (21) years of age.
      3.   Applicant must comply with the written application requirements.
      4.   All applicants shall submit a financial statement on forms provided by the Sheriff.
      5.   The applicant, or all officers and managers of the applicant if not a natural person, must not have been convicted within the last ten (10) years of a crime which is or would be a felony under the laws of the state of Nevada.
      6.   It must affirmatively appear to the Board that the granting of the license will not:
         a.   Create or tend to create or constitute a public nuisance.
         b.   Seriously or substantially diminish the valuation of properties within the immediate vicinity of the place for which the license is granted.
      7.   The Board may additionally require at the expense of the licensee, either at the time of the issuance of the license or at a subsequent time, upon one month’s notice, some form of security measures to assist county law enforcement in maintaining an orderly operation and preventing breaches of the peace in or about the establishment for which the license is sought.
   (B)   Renewal of License: For every renewal of the gaming license, the Sheriff’s Office may conduct a review of the Licensee and approve and sign the renewal without further review of the Board. (Ord. 1979-E, 3-8-1979, eff. 7-1-1979; amd. Ord. 2001-B, 7-5-2001, eff. 8-1-2001; Ord. 2023-06, 8-16-2023)