(A)   Anchoring: All manufactured homes and additions to manufactured homes shall be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement by one of the following methods:
      1.   By anchoring, tying down and installation as set forth in state regulations promulgated pursuant to authority of Nevada Revised Statutes, chapter 489, in the Nevada state administrative code 489, 400-430.
      2.   Certification that the standards of this section have been met is required of the installer or state agency responsible for regulating the placement, installation and anchoring of individual manufactured home units. The certification shall be filed with the Elko County department of community development.
   (B)   Manufactured Home Parks And Manufactured Home Subdivisions: The following standards are required for: 1) manufactured homes not placed in manufactured home parks or subdivisions, 2) new manufactured home parks or subdivisions, 3) expansions to existing manufactured home parks or subdivisions and 4) repair, reconstruction, or improvements to existing manufactured home parks or subdivisions that equal or exceed fifty percent (50%) of the value of the streets, utilities and pads before the repair, reconstruction or improvement commenced.
      1.   Adequate surface drainage and access for a hauler shall be provided.
      2.   All manufactured homes shall be placed on pads or lots elevated on compacted fill or on pilings so that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is at or above the base flood level. If elevated on pilings:
         (a)   The lots shall be large enough to permit steps;
         (b)   The pilings shall be placed in stable soil no more than ten feet (10') apart; and
         (c)   Reinforcement shall be provided for pilings more than six feet (6') above the ground level.
   (C)   Standards In Specific Zones: All manufactured homes to be placed or substantially improved within zones A1-30, AH, and AE shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is at or above the base flood elevation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system in accordance with the provisions of subsection (A) or (B) of this section.
   (D)   Certification Of Compliance: Certification of compliance is required of the developer responsible for the plan or state agency responsible for regulating manufactured home placement. (Ord. 2004-C, 9-1-2004, eff. 9-26-2004)