The agricultural-residential district is intended to provide areas primarily for rural or estate type living, but allowing certain "hobby and/or recreation" agricultural pursuits to be maintained on land parcels of at least one acre.
   (A)   Permitted Uses: The following uses are permitted in the AR district:
      1.   Single-family dwellings not to exceed one unit on each parcel of land.
      2.   Orchards.
      3.   Vegetable crops.
      4.   Gardens.
      5.   Rodeo and roping arenas.
      6.   Public parks and campgrounds.
      7.   Nurseries and greenhouses.
      8.   Private stables.
      9.   Resort hotels or Airbnb.
   (B)   Conditional Uses: The following are conditional uses in the AR district, permitted only when authorized by the planning commission:
      1.   Schools.
      2.   Libraries.
      3.   Museums.
      4.   Churches.
      5.   Retreats.
      6.   Monasteries.
      7.   Convents.
      8.   Riding academies.
      9.   Resort hotels.
      10.   Noncommercial clubs.
      11.   Golf courses.
      12.   Country clubs.
      13.   Riding and polo fields.
      14.   Animal kennels or boarding or other animal care facilities.
      15.   Equestrian riding and training academies (indoor and/or outdoor).
      16.   Restaurants.
      17.   Small business.
      18.   Nurseries or garden centers.
      19.   Private event accommodations.
      20.   Invalid or invalid caretaker secondary housing. A secondary independent living unit on a lot or parcel already developed to the maximum density allowed in the district, for the housing of an invalid family member or a caretaker of an invalid family member residing in the primary residence on the parcel, subject to the following:
         (a)   The dwelling may be attached or detached from the primary residence. A mobile home may not be attached to the primary residence.
         (b)   The floor area of the secondary dwelling may not exceed that of the primary dwelling.
         (c)   The conditional use permit must be reviewed within two (2) years and every two (2) years thereafter.
         (d)   The secondary dwelling must be removed if it is a mobile structure when it is no longer used for invalid or invalid caretaker housing. In the case of an attached or conventionally constructed dwelling where removal is impractical, the unit may not be utilized as rental housing.
   (C)   Minimum Parcel Size: The minimum land parcel size for any permitted use shall be one acre. No parcel shall have an average width of less than one hundred fifty feet (150').
   (D)   Yards: The minimum requirements for yards shall be as follows:
Front yard
50 feet
Rear yard
30 feet
Side yard
20 feet
   (E)   Building Height: No building or structure shall have more than three (3) stories or a height in excess of forty feet (40'). No accessory building shall have a height in excess of twenty five feet (25').
   (F)   Automobile Parking: For each dwelling unit, two (2) off street parking spaces shall be provided. For other permitted or conditional uses, parking shall be as approved by the Planning Commission.
   (G)   Signs: No sign or nameplate for residences shall exceed three (3) square feet in size. For conditional uses, signs shall be controlled by the requirements of chapter 8 of this title.
   (H)   Maintenance Of Animals: The permanent maintenance of not more than a reasonable number of “domestic animals” as defined in chapter 1 of this title not to include swine on a lot occupied by a dwelling shall be a permitted accessory use so long as such maintenance is for hobby or family use, and is not a full time commercial operation. Animals other than those designated shall require Planning Commission approval. The following limitations shall apply:
      1.   No accessory building used as a stable for any animals shall be located less than thirty five feet (35') from any dwelling or less than twenty feet (20') from any lot line, or less than sixty feet (60') from any front lot line, any school grounds or any public park or open space.
      2.   No paddock, shed, corral, or barn set off for use by domestic or other animals, shall occupy any part of a required front yard.
      3.   The keeping and breeding of swine shall only be permitted for FFA, 4-H and similar children’s development groups as projects related to the development program. At no time shall there be more than two (2) breeding sows, the most recent litter for each sow, and one boar on a parcel. Breeding projects may be from farrow to finish. (Ord. 1975-A, 3-5-1975, eff. 4-1-1975; amd. Ord. 1993-U, 1-6-1994, eff. 1-24-1994; Ord. 2015-08, 4-1-2015, eff. 4-17-2015; Ord. 01-2019, 3-6-2019, eff. 4-19-2019; Ord. 2022-02, eff. 4-29-2022)