(A)   A person confined to the county security center/jail, except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) below, shall be required to make a co-payment in an amount of not more than $15 for each provision by any health care provider, as determined appropriate by the health care provider, including those health care providers engaged by the county government, of any of the following services:
      (1)   Medical care;
      (2)   Dental care;
      (3)   Eye care; or
      (4)   Any other health care related service.
   (B)   Division (A) above does not apply to a person confined in the county security center/jail who:
      (1)   Maintains a policy of insurance from a private company covering the following provided the inmate provides complete and accurate information to allow the health care provider to file a claim for services rendered:
         (a)   Medical care;
         (b)   Dental care;
         (c)   Eye care; or
         (d)   Any other health care related service.
      (2)   Is willing to pay for the person’s own medical care;
      (3)   Is committed to the county security center/jail by another county or by the State Department of Correction; or
      (4)   Is housed at the county security center/jail pursuant to a contract entered into with the United States Marshal’s Service or other governmental unit responsible for the person’
   (C)   A person confined at the county security center/jail is not required to make the co-payment if:
      (1)   The person does not have funds in the person’s commissary account or trust account at the time the service is provided and the person does not have funds in the person’s commissary account or trust account within 60 days after the service is provided;
      (2)   The service is provided in an emergency;
      (3)   The service is provided as a result of an injury received in the county security center/jail; or
      (4)   The service is provided at the request of the County Sheriff or Jail Administrator.
   (D)   The County Sheriff and Jail Administrator shall be authorized and empowered to implement rules, standards and procedures to carry out the intent and purposes of this section. The terms SERVICE and HEALTH CARE RELATED shall be broadly interpreted to cause to be paid the co-payments contemplated by I.C. 11-12-5-5 and desired by the Board of Commissioners of the county upon adoption of this section.
   (E)   If the original call for applicable services is initiated by the County Sheriff or Jail Administrator, follow-up care for the same illness or injury will not require a co-payment if follow-up service is rendered within 30 days of original service.
   (F)   Monies collected shall be deposited into the County Medical Care for Inmates Fund and will be used only for inmates’ medical care and expenses related thereto or arising therefrom.
   (G)   This section shall be in full force and effect beginning on October 1, 2005.
(Prior Code, § 11-12-5-5) (Ord. 94-1460, passed 12-19-1994, 94 COM REC 1459–1462; Ord. 05-569, passed 9-6-2005, 2005 COM REC 569–571)