(A)   Administration and enforcement of performance guarantees. Administration and enforcement of performance guarantees shall be per the Street Standards.
   (B)   Current until improvements accepted. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to keep the performance guarantee current and not allow it to expire until all improvements have been accepted by the Board of County Commissioners per the Street Standards.
   (C)   No permits with expiration. If the performance guarantee does expire, no improvement location permits will be issued to those lots within the subdivision or section thereof which required the performance guarantee until a new guarantee is provided.
   (D)   Release. Upon completion of the improvements for which a performance guarantee has been provided, the owner shall request a release or partial release, as the case may be, of the performance guarantee per the Street Standards.
   (E)   Inspection. The County Highway Division will conduct inspections of the completed improvements in accordance with the Street Standards. All revisions must be approved per the Street Standards. The office of the County Surveyor will provide additional oversight in construction inspection during and after construction, to assure standards for private stormwater basins are constructed in accordance with approved design.
   (F)   Appeals. Appeals of the decisions regarding inspection of completed improvements shall be made per the Street Standards.
(Ord. 2009-67, passed 3-2-2009; Ord. PC 2015-14, passed 10-19-2015; Ord. PC 2017-19, passed 10-16-2017)