§ 154.065 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADVISORY BOARD. The Advisory Board for the Greater Elkhart County MS4 as established under the interlocal agreement between the County of Elkhart, City of Elkhart, City of Goshen and Town of Bristol for the implementation of the Phase II Storm Water NPDES Permit Regulations.
   EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT (ERU). The number of units, equal to the assumed average amount of impervious area of a single-family residential parcel of real estate within the county, which is established at 3,600 square feet of impervious area. The unit value, which will be carried out and rounded off to one decimal point, being the equivalent of one tenth of an ERU, is also the basis for calculating the assessment of storm water user fees for the county storm water system.
   IMPERVIOUS AREA. Those areas which prevent or impede the infiltration of storm water into the soil as it enters under natural conditions prior to development. Common IMPERVIOUS AREAS include, but are not limited to, roof tops, sidewalks, walkways, patio areas, driveways, parking lots, storage areas, gravel surfaces, awnings and other fabric or plastic coverings and other surfaces which prevent or impede the natural infiltration of storm water runoff which existed prior to development.
   KEY NUMBER. A number assigned to a tract of land in the county by the County Auditor that identifies the taxing district in which the tract is located, is a number that is not assigned to any other tract in the county, and is listed in the transfer book or records maintained under I.C. 6-1.1-5.
   NONRESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE. All real estate tax parcels which are not described by the definition of residential real estate shall be defined as nonresidential. NONRESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE will include:
      (1)   Agricultural real estate;
      (2)   Commercial real estate;
      (3)   Industrial real estate;
      (4)   Institutional real estate;
      (5)   Church real estate;
      (6)   School real estate;
      (7)   Federal, state and local government real estate;
      (8)   Utility real estate; and
      (9)   Any other real estate not mentioned in this list and which is not described by the definition of residential real estate.
   RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE. A separate tax parcel of real estate which is primarily used for dwelling purposes on which a building is situated which building contains one or more dwelling units which dwelling units are each used or are intended to be used primarily for living, sleeping, cooking and eating. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE shall include all types of dwelling units including single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes and row type homes. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE shall also include condominium dwellings, apartment dwellings and mobile home parks.
(Ord. 2010-01, passed 9-27-2010)