(A)   Adoption. Pursuant to I.C. 8-1.5-5-1, the county does hereby adopt the provisions of I.C. 8-1.5-5 as part of this code.
   (B)   Department of Storm Water Management. Pursuant to I.C. 8-1.5-5-4.5, the County Department of Storm Water Management is hereby established.
   (C)   Board. The County Department of Storm Water Management is controlled by a Board of Directors. The members of the Board of Commissioners of the county and the County Surveyor are hereby appointed as the Board of Directors for the County Department of Storm Water Management. The term of office of each member of the Board of Directors who is a member of the County Board of Commissioners is co-extensive with that member’s term of office as a County Commissioner. The term of office on the Board of Directors of the County Surveyor is co-extensive with the County Surveyor’s term of office.
   (D)   Special taxing district. Pursuant to I.C. 8-1.5-5-5, this section creates a special taxing district which includes all of the territory in the county that is not located within a municipality.
   (E)   Governing provisions. The terms and provisions of I.C. 8-1.5-5 et seq., as amended from time to time, shall govern the County Department of Storm Water Management.
   (F)   Financial administration. The County Treasurer is hereby appointed as the fiscal agent for and authorized to administer the funds of the County Department of Storm Water Management.
(Prior Code, § 8-1.5-5-4.5) (Ord. 05-538, passed 8-15-2005, 2005 COM REC 538–539)