(A)   This chapter applies to the following tracts of real estate:
      (1)   Tract One. Beginning at the northwest corner of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 36 North, Range 6 East; thence running due north 50 and two-thirds rods; thence due east 160 rods; thence due south 50 and two-thirds rods; thence due west 160 rods to the place of beginning, containing 50 and two-thirds acres, more or less. Excepting public highways; and
      (2)   Tract Two. A part of the south half of Section 17, Township 36 North, Range 6 East, Elkhart Township, Elkhart County, and more particularly described as follows:
      Beginning at a P.K. nail marking the center of Section 17, thence north 89 degrees, 08 minutes, 22 seconds west, 571.08 feet, along the north line of the southwest quarter of Section 17 and State Road 119; thence south 00 degrees, 51 minutes, 44 seconds west, 224.66 feet, to an iron pipe; thence north 89 degrees, 04 minutes, 52 seconds west, 210.46 feet, to an iron stake; thence north 00 degrees, 51 minutes, 44 seconds east, 224.45 feet, to a point on the north line of the southwest quarter; thence north 89 degrees, 08 minutes, 22 seconds west, 531.10 feet, along the last described line and State Road 119; thence south 00 degrees, 25 minutes, 21 seconds west, 1,520.48 feet; thence south 89 degrees, 43 minutes, 18 seconds east, 500.38 feet; thence south 00 degrees, 25 minutes, 48 seconds west, 929.45 feet; thence south 89 degrees, 43 minutes, 28 seconds east, 824.79 feet to a point on the north/south centerline of Section 17; thence south 87 degrees, 27 minutes, 28 seconds east 1,319.19 feet; thence north 80 degrees, 14 minutes, 32 seconds east, 50.99 feet; thence south 88 degrees, 27 minutes, 28 seconds east, 669.27 feet, to a point of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of 809.5 feet; thence eastwardly and southeastwardly, 509.21 feet, along the curve, to a point on the southline of the southeast quarter of Section 17; thence south 88 degrees, 27 minutes, 28 seconds east 127.67 feet, along the last described line, to an iron pipe at the southeast corner of the southeast quarter; thence north 1,650.21 feet along the east line of the southeast quarter and County Road 21; thence north 89 degrees, 10 minutes, 32 seconds west, 1,400.0 feet; thence north, 1,004.49 feet, to a point on the north line of the southeast quarter; thence north 89 degrees, 10 minutes, 32 seconds west, 1,323.0 feet, along the last described line and State Road 119, to the point of beginning, containing 182.63 acres and subject to public highways and easements of record.
   (B)   The real estate shall be noted on the zoning maps as having the territorial authority transferred to the City of Goshen. The zone maps dated October 30, 1959 and made a part of Article II, Section 2 of the Master Plan of Zoning for the county shall be amended to reflect the transfer of territorial authority of the real estate.
(Prior Code, § 36-7-4-205) (Ord. PC 94-21, passed 8-18-1994, 94 COM REC 912–915; Ord. PC 95-28, passed 7-3-1995, 95 COM REC 617–621, 637–641)