(A)   A Convention and Visitor Promotion Fund shall be established by the County Treasurer pursuant to I.C. 6-9-19. The County Treasurer shall deposit in the Fund all amounts received by the Treasurer pursuant to I.C. 6-9-19. Money in the Fund may be expended only as permitted to I.C. 6-9-19.
   (B)   Pursuant to I.C. 6-9-19, the County Commissioners shall create a commission to promote the development and growth of the convention and business industry in the county. The composition, activities, management and expenditures of the Commission are governed by I.C. 6-9-19.
   (C)   The budgetary function of the Commission shall be governed by I.C. 6-9-19, and other state statutes dealing with the budgeting by governmental agencies, boards or commissions.
(Prior Code, § 6-9-18-5) (Ord. 83M-001, passed 6-11-1983, 83 CCM 124)