(A)   Prior to applying for a new grant or a grant renewal, all available documentation regarding the grant opportunity and the proposed project/program must be submitted for review and approval at a public meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Ten days in advance of the public meeting is preferred in order to include the request on the meeting agenda; however, it is understood the discovery of new grant opportunities, grant cycles, and proposal deadlines may not allow for the ten-day preferred timeframe in every situation.
   (B)   The grant application review process requires, at a minimum, that the following information be provided on the Grant Review Form of the Board of Commissioners:
      (1)   A presentation of the proposed project or program and a description of the proposed capital to be funded by the grant, with the presentation made by the department or office of county government seeking the grant;
      (2)   An estimation of the county funding needed to support the grant project or program, for both the initial year of the grant and any proposed or projected subsequent year;
      (3)   An examination of the initial and long-term impact on services and facilities provided by county government to the citizens of the county from the receipt or denial of the grant; and
      (4)   An examination of the impact on other like services provided by public and private agencies in the county.
   (C)   The grant application review process is designed to meet the following goals:
      (1)   To ascertain the requirements for office and operational space, personnel, and capital needed to fulfill the objectives of the grant;
      (2)   To assure that grant-funded projects, programs, and capital are not duplicative or counterproductive to other grant-funded or county-funded projects, programs, and capital;
      (3)   To assure that all grant programs are within the confines of the governmental services needed to be provided by county government; and
      (4)   To examine the proposed grant's impact on current and future county government funding and programming.
   (D)   The Board of Commissioners will review all grant applications as provided in this subchapter and take action on the grant request as deemed appropriate by the Board. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to appoint a Grant Board of Review to undertake the grant application review process and to make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners with respect to grant requests. The action taken on grant requests will be provided to the County Council.
(Ord. CO 2022-11, passed 6-6-2022)