For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. Includes the reasonable value for the time of the Director in enforcing the provisions of this subchapter, costs of sending notice under § 92.031, postage charges, charges for office supplies incurred by the county and other related charges.
   COUNTY. The County of Elkhart, State of Indiana.
   DEPARTMENT. The Elkhart County Planning and Development Department.
   DIRECTOR. The Elkhart County Plan Director and his or her duly authorized representatives.
   DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES. All employees of the County Planning and Development Department holding positions identified within the budget classifications for the Planning Division and Code Enforcement Division of the annual budget as approved and as amended by the County Council from time to time.
   HEARING OFFICER. The hearing officer as appointed by the County Plan Commission from time to time as the person to serve as the hearing authority for the purposes of conducting hearings in accordance with I.C. 36-7-9-7, as amended from time to time.
   REMOVAL COSTS. The reasonable value of the labor incurred by the county in travel to and from the subject property and in cutting or removing weeds and other rank vegetation, reasonable charges for the equipment used, repair costs for damage to equipment used, mileage costs incurred in driving to and from the subject property, disposal costs, administrative expenses including the reasonable value of time spent in scheduling and dispatching personnel to perform removal, and other related expenses incurred in cutting or removing weeds and other rank vegetation.
   RESIDENTIAL AREA. Any parcel of real estate, used or intended to be used for residential purposes, whether platted or unplatted, whether zoned residential or otherwise, which does not exceed three acres in size.
   WEEDS AND OTHER RANK VEGETATION. Any and all plant life exceeding a height of eight inches. Landscaped areas and gardens containing trees, ornamental grasses, flowers, agricultural crops, bushes and shrubberies exceeding a height of eight inches are not to be considered WEEDS AND OTHER RANK VEGETATION unless they constitute an extreme deviation from the aesthetic appearance of the surrounding neighborhood.
   ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. The County Zoning Administrator and his or her duly authorized representatives.
(Ord. 2013-220, passed 5-6-2013)