The two lanes of parking spaces closest to Second Street within the courts building lot, and the lane of parking spaces closest to Third Street within the courts building lot, north of the courts building structure itself, but not including the parking spaces immediately west of the courts building itself, are hereby declared to be for primary use of the general public in conducting business at the county courts building. Any person who has not been issued a county parking sticker shall be entitled to use the designated general public parking areas, as above described, for parking a vehicle in the courts building lot for the purpose of conducting business therein for a period of time not to exceed two hours of continuous parking. It shall be a violation of this subchapter for any vehicle to be parked so as to violate the two-hour time limitation, and the owner, operator or user of the vehicle shall be issued a ticket or citation for a fine as set forth in § 71.99. Additionally, any vehicle parked so as to avoid the two-hour parking limitation or any vehicle without a county parking sticker, may be towed away from the parking places by representatives or agents of the Commissioners, as designated in § 71.22 at the expense of the owner, operator or user of the vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 9-21-16-5) (Ord. 08-480, passed 11-17-2008)