For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BOARD OF HEALTH. The County Board of Health as provided for in I.C.16-20-2-1 et seq.
   HEALTH DEPARTMENT. The County Health Department.
   PERSON. An individual as well as any association, company, corporation, firm, partnership or other entity.
(Prior Code, § 16-20-1-27) (Ord. 96-661, passed 7-15-1996, 96 COM REC 661–663; Ord. 97-802, passed 9-15-1997, 97 COM REC 801–809; Ord. 98-736, passed 12-21-1998, 98 COM REC 736-743; Ord. 2000-154, passed 3-27-2000, 2000 COM REC 151–160; Ord. 2000-782, passed 11-20-2000, 2001 COM REC 782–784; Ord. 2001-44, passed 2-5-2001, 2001 COM REC 44–45; Ord. 2002-422, passed 9-3-2002, 2002 COM REC 422–424; Ord. 2003-367, passed 7-21-2003, 2003 COM REC 367–369; Ord. 2003-526, passed 10-20-2003, 2003 COM REC 526–528; Ord. 2004-585, passed 12-20-2004, 2004 COM REC 585–588; Ord. 2006-303, passed 5-25-2006, 2006 COM REC 303–305; Ord. 2010-383, passed 11-22-2010)