The city is divided into the following districts:
   (A)   Use districts.
      (1)   Residential districts:
         (a)   R-1, One-Family Dwelling District;
         (b)   R-2, One-Family Dwelling District;
         (c)   R-3, Two-Family Dwelling District;
         (d)   R-4, Multiple-Family Dwelling District;
         (e)   R-5, Urban Residential District; and
         (f)   MHP, Mobile Home Park District.
      (2)   Business districts:
         (a)   O, Office District;
         (b)   B-1, Neighborhood Business District;
         (c)   B-2, Community Business District;
         (d)   B-3, Service Business District;
         (e)   B-4, Regional Business District;
         (f)   CBD, Central Business District;
         (g)   OP, Office Park District; and
         (h)   BP, Business Park District.
      (3)   Manufacturing districts:
         (a)   M-1, Limited Manufacturing District; and
         (b)   M-2, General Manufacturing District.
      (4)   PUD Planned Unit Development District
   (B)   Overlay districts.
      (1)   DP, Development Plan Overlay District;
      (2)   FP, Special Flood Hazard Area Overlay District;
      (3)   WC, Wetlands Conservation Overlay District; and
      (4)   AC, Air Space Control Area Overlay District.
   (C)   Image. Pursuant to Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003 the following figure is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set out herein: Figure 3A.
(1979 Code, § 151.023) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003)