(A) No person will be permitted to enter the cemetery except through the entrance gates. The gates will be opened at a reasonable hour in the morning according to the season of the year, and closed at sundown.
(B) Lot owners, their families and friends shall have access to the grounds at all reasonable times, but must observe the rules which may be adopted for the regulation of visiting.
(C) Children under 12 years of age will not be admitted, unless accompanied by persons of adult age who will be responsible for their conduct.
(D) Bicycle riding will not be permitted over the sections, and those riding bicycles shall observe rules governing vehicles and drivers.
(E) No rapid driving or riding will be permitted, nor driving or riding on the lawns.
(F) Automobiles entering the grounds must not drive at a speed exceeding 10 mph, and in no case shall they drive by or come in contact with a funeral procession.
(G) Omnibuses or conveyances of cumbersome description will not be allowed to enter the grounds without special permission from the Sexton.
(H) Horses must not be allowed to stand unless fastened where posts are provided for that purpose.
(I) Refreshments or liquor will not be allowed within the grounds.
(J) No marble or granite tablets, cradles or horizontal slabs to cover the entire grave will be permitted.
(K) (1) No grave marker shall exceed 12 inches in height above the sod, nor be more than 24 inches wide and 15 inches thick. Nor shall any grave marker be less than 6 inches thick, except markers provided by the United States Government to be placed at the graves of soldiers, which may be of the size prescribed by the government regulations.
(2) All markers must have a square base to be set in a foundation not less than 3 feet, or 5 feet when vaults are not used, below the sod.
(L) Lettering should be upon the top surface of markers.
(M) (1) No marker will be allowed to be set in a socket or with dowels.
(2) It is recommended that markers have a butt end of at least 12 inches to set below the sod upon the foundation.
(N) The erection of tombs or vaults wholly or partly above the ground will not be allowed without special permission from the Board of Public Works, and in no instance will permission be granted to erect vaults or tombs in localities where they will be objectionable and injurious to surrounding lots. The durability of the structures depends entirely upon the material used and the mode of construction. Therefore, applications for the building of vaults, tombs and mausoleums must be accompanied by complete plans and specifications submitted to the Board of Public Works.
(O) All work done in the erection and construction of mausoleums, monuments, markers, vaults and tombs shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Board of Public Works of the city or the Superintendent or Sexton employed by the city. Anyone failing to comply with the directions of these officers or their employees or agents will be excluded from work within the grounds.
(P) Materials for monuments or other work shall not be placed upon the grounds until the workers are ready to immediately proceed with the erection of the monument or other work.
(Q) The privilege of refusing to allow stone work to be done at any time until the ground and drives are thoroughly settled and in good condition, is reserved. No heavy teaming will be permitted in the cemetery in wet weather.
(R) The turf around and near where work is to be set must in all cases be thoroughly protected by planks and boards.
(S) No heavy stones shall be rolled across lots without obtaining permission from the Sexton.
(T) Persons with firearms or dogs will not be permitted within the grounds.
(U) All persons are strictly prohibited from plucking any plants whether wild or cultivated, breaking or injuring any trees or shrubs, marring any monument or landmark or in any way defacing the property of the city.
(V) No money shall be paid attendants under any circumstances.
(W) It is of the utmost importance that there should be a strict observance of all the proprieties due a cemetery, whether embraced in these regulations or not. No impropriety will be tolerated, and well-disposed persons will confer a favor by informing the Sexton, or any officer of the city, at once of any breach of these regulations or decorum that may come to their notice.
(X) No person shall interfere with or interrupt the Sexton in the discharge of his or her duties, or remain in the cemetery with a vehicle except in case of funerals, after the expiration of the hour closing the gates unless admitted by the Sexton after the close of the hour, in which case the person must leave the cemetery on due notice given by the Sexton.
(Y) All lots are to be sold by a front foot. Prices shall be made by the Board of Public Works from time to time.
(1979 Code, § 92.10) (Ord. 835, passed 10-2-1919) Penalty, see § 92.99