   (A)   It shall be unlawful to park on the Elkhart Municipal Airport except long-term parking for more than 24 hours or in contravention of any other posted time limit.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to park on areas of the Elkhart Municipal Airport except in designated auto parking areas unless the consent of the Board of Aviation Commissioners, its designated representative or the Airport Manager, is first secured.
   (C)   Only airport users may park on the Elkhart Municipal Airport.
   (D)   Lessess of privately-leased parking areas including but not limited to those striped current liased areas as shown on Exhibit A attached to Ord. 3994, incorporated and made a part hereof, may post and regulate their privately leased parking areas as the leassees deem fit and may adopt these regulations by filing a writing with the Board of Aviation Commissioners.
   (E)   The registered owner and driver of a vehicle parking in contravention of this section shall be jointly and severally responsible for any violation of this section.
   (F)   Violation of this section is subject to a fine as set forth in § 91.99. Violators may be prosecuted through the Elkhart City Court, the Ordinance Violations Bureau or any other court with jurisdiction over parking or traffic infractions. Vehicles violating this section are also subject to towing at the owner’s/operator’s expense.
   (G)   The Board of Aviation Commissioners, Airport Manager and Elkhart Police Department or their designated representative shall share joint enforcement authority.
(1979 Code, § 91.10) (Ord. 3994, passed 8-20-1990)