   (A)   A part of the southeast quarter of Section 30 and a part of the northeast quarter of Section 31, all in township 38 North, Range 5 East, in Osolo Township, Elkhart County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of the Southeast quarter of Section 30, that is 975.83 feet eastwardly of the southwest corner of the quarter section; thence south 2 degrees 17 minutes east 1684.95 feet; thence north 82 degrees 0 minutes east, 800 feet; thence north 13 degrees 43 minutes west 2009.98 feet; thence south 82 degrees 0 minutes west 400 feet; thence south 2 degrees 17 feet east, 325.03 feet to the place of beginning.
   (B)   The restricted zone is an inclined plane with a slope of 40:1 (1 foot of elevation for each 40 feet of horizontal distance) located directly above the described land. The plane has an elevation of 773 feet (mean sea level) at its inner and lower edge at the northerly end of the zone and an elevation of 823 feet (mean sea level) at its outer and upper edge at the southerly end of the zone.
(1979 Code, § 91.02) (Ord. 1871a, passed 11-22-1960) Penalty, see § 91.99
Statutory reference:
   Annexation of airport or aviation field, see I.C. 36-4-3-4