§ 76.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person who violates any provision of §§ 76.01 et seq. shall, upon adjudication or admission thereof, be punished as stated in this division. Violations of this subchapter are deemed to be continuing in nature and each coterminous period during which a vehicle remains parked in violation of this subchapter constitutes a separate violation. The registered owner of a vehicle parked in violation of §§ 76.01 et seq. is in violation of this subchapter to the same extent as the driver of the vehicle. Prosecution pursuant to this section can be made against the registered owner and/or driver and the prosecution of one does not bar the prosecution of the other.
      (1)   The schedule of penalties of violation of §§ 76.01 et seq. shall be:
         (a)   For the first coterminous violation, the sum of $10 if paid in full within 72 hours from the time of the issuance of the ticket (citation).
         (b)   The sum of $25 if paid in full after 72 hours from the time of the issuance of the ticket (citation) until such time as the notice of violation is sent to the City Attorney for prosecution.
         (c)   For each successive, coterminous violation, the sum of $25 until such time as the notice of violation is sent to the City Attorney for prosecution.
      (2)   Each day a violation continues shall be considered as a separate offense. The city, in its discretion, may fine up to $50 for repeat violations of this chapter. Violations herein may be prosecuted through the Ordinance Violations Bureau or through any other legal means.
(Ord. 4846, passed 8-17-2004)
   (B)   Any person who violates any provision of §§ 76.25 through 76.28 or §§ 76.45 through 76.49 shall be punished as stated in this division.
      (1)   When a ticket or citation for a violation of this subchapter is issued (except with respect to violations of handicapped parking space restrictions), the owner or operator of the vehicle in violation shall pay the sum of $5 as a fine to the city within 30 days after the date shown on the ticket. Should the fine not be paid within 30 days, the fine shall increase to the sum of $15.
      (2)   Violations of handicapped parking space restrictions shall result in fines of $25 and should the fine not be paid within 30 days, the fine shall increase to the sum of $50.
      (3)   After a complaint has been filed in a court of competent jurisdiction against the registered owner of the vehicle charging the person with a violation of one or more of the provisions of this chapter, that owner shall, upon conviction, pay the court costs of the proceeding and be fined not more than $50 for each violation. All fines shall, pursuant to the terms of the contract as set out in Exhibit B of Ord. 4012 and the contract as set out in Exhibit B of Ord. 4067, which is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth by this chapter, become the property of the city.
(1979 Code, § 76.99) (Ord. 4012, passed 11-19-1990; Am. Ord. 4067, passed 7-6-1992)
Statutory reference:
   Shopping center’s right to regulate parking, see I.C. 9-21-18