For the purpose of billing, all industrial and commercial users may be required to use a water meter, discharge meter, or a water meter in combination with a subtract meter to determine the flow of wastewater entering the POTW. For billing purposes, the utility shall approve or disapprove the type of meter to be used at a particular location and its configuration. The user shall pay for any required metering device and it shall remain the property of the user. The meter shall be subject to the same rules and regulations which govern the meters of the utility. All meter testing results must be submitted to the utility. The costs of mandatory testing are the responsibility of the user. All other meters shall be tested and calibrated according to the manufacturer's specifications. The utility may require that a user's meter be tested if the utility suspects that the meter is not registering accurately.
(Ord. 5286, passed 12-19-2011)
(A) Pretreatment.
Permit fee - renewal | $250 |
Permit fee - new | $500 |
Annual permit review (not applicable on year of permit renewal) | $50 |
Program administration | $0.020/1,000 gallons ($25 minimum charge) |
Monitoring setup and tear down fee | $60 per event |
Unscheduled site inspection fee | $40 per visit |
Scheduled site inspection fee | $60 per visit |
(B) Surcharges.
Rates effective as of:
per pound for cBOD5 in excess of 250 mg/L | $0.03 | $0.04 |
per pound for TSS in excess of 250 mg/L | $0.02 | $0.03 |
per pound for total phosphorus in excess of 11 mg/L | $0.21 | $0.25 |
per pound for NH3-N in excess of 25 mg/L | $0.13 | 0.15 |
(C) Surveillance charges. Based on cost per sample per parameter.
Parameter | Charge per Sample |
Parameter | Charge per Sample |
COD | $30 |
BOD5 (tBOD5 or cBOD5) | $25 |
TSS and VSS | $24 |
pH | $8 |
Phosphorus | $28 |
Metals, per metal per sample | $15 |
Mercury | $30 |
Mercury, low level |
Base/neutrals and acids |
Cyanide, total | $30 |
Volatile organics | $65 |
Fats, oil and grease | $30 |
Oil and grease, petroleum | $60 |
Ammonia nitrogen | $15 |
Kjeldahl nitrogen |
| $25 |
(D) Under special circumstances the Board may require additional parameters at a unit charge to be based on the utility's cost of providing the service. Additional monitoring and analytical costs to the utility may be charged to the user.
(Ord. 5286, passed 12-19-2011; Am. Ord. 5319, passed 11-19-2012; Am. Ord. 5827, passed 12-21-2020)
The Board is empowered to determine rates, charges, fees, and payment terms for Wastewater delivered to the POTW under any special or extraordinary circumstances. The Board is also authorized to waive or reduce any charges under any special or extraordinary circumstances.
(Ord. 5286, passed 12-19-2011)