(A) (1) It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal to fail to keep such animal under restraint or to permit such animal to run at large upon the streets and public ways of the city. This division does not apply to any dog that is authorized to use and is within the enclosed areas of a dog park.
(2) Any dog, while on a street, sidewalk, public way or in any park, public square, or other public space, or upon any private property without the consent of the owner, shall be secured by a leash or chain of sufficient tensile strength to restrain the particular dog.
(3) Every female dog or cat in heat shall be confined in a building or other enclosure in such a manner that such female dog or cat cannot come into contact with another animal except for planned breeding.
(4) When an animal is determined to have bitten a person, the animal shall be confined in quarantine in an approved shelter for a period of not less than 10 days pursuant to rules adopted by the Indiana Board of Animal Health.
(5) If the owner of an animal which has bitten a person has proof of current rabies inoculations and has a current city license, the animal may be left in the charge of the owner, under quarantine, unless, in the judgment of the humane officer, and based upon considerations of public safety, the Humane Officer determines it should be removed to an animal shelter or veterinary hospital for the period of observation. When a concern or question of public safety is raised, the animal shall be removed for quarantine. The animal owner shall be responsible for any and all fees of quarantine and any other medical care requirements for that animal.
(6) Invisible fence used as a confinement device is permitted and must be set back 3 feet from the property line, and the property owner must post upon the property a clearly visible sign informing the public of an invisible fence. Invisible fences cannot be used as a confinement devise for an animal that has been deemed vicious or dangerous.
(B) Fastening animal with rope or chain; choker collar. Every owner or harborer of an animal kept within the municipal boundaries of the city shall see that:
(1) The animal shall not be tethered by use of a choke collar; or
(2) Any collar too small for the size and age of the animal, nor by any rope, chain or cord directly attached to the animal's neck; or
(3) A leash or tether less than 12 feet in length, with swivels on both ends and the leash or tether is constructed with sufficient strength to prevent the animal from moving about freely;
(4) Restrained animal must wear a properly fitted collar or harness made of leather or nylon; the tying device must be attached to the animal's collar or harness. If a chain is used to attach to the collar, the chain must be able to sufficiently restrain the weight of the animal.
(5) All animals tethered on the property within the city shall not be able to come within 3 feet of its abutting property line or within 3 feet of another tethered animal. Tethered animals may not be tethered to restrict access by service personnel such as postal workers, meter readers, law enforcement, emergency personnel or other individuals who require access to the residence. Tethered animals must be at tethered to maintain at least 8 feet from a sidewalk leading up to the residence.
(6) It shall be unlawful to tether any animal between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. It is a violation of this chapter to tether any animal for more than 3 hours during any 24-hour period. Furthermore, no un-sterilized animal may be tethered unless it is monitored by a competent adult.
(Ord. 5212, passed 4-19-2010; Am. Ord. 5513, passed 9-12-2016; Am. Ord. 5592, passed 6-19-2017)