   The costs for the repair to the water service line shall not include the following:
   (A)   Replacement of any tree, shrubbery, plants or other landscaping features on public or private property removed as part of the repair of the water service line;
   (B)   Replacement or repair to sprinkler systems, gas grills, utility lines, foundations, fences, mailboxes, and any other surface or sub-surface improvements found on public or private property; or
   (C)   Any expenses incurred in removing or replacing any surface improvements located on private property such as bituminous, concrete, or brick driveways or patios.
(Ord. 5151, passed 3-16-2009)
   Before the city initiates any repair work pursuant to this subchapter, the homeowner must pay the deductible amount in full, or execute an installment payment agreement and pay a 1-time $10 administrative fee in addition to the deductible amount. If the homeowner elects the installment payment option, the term of the agreement shall not exceed 3 months and the first installment payment shall be $110, which amount shall be due before the city initiates any repair work pursuant to this subchapter. The remaining unpaid balance of the deductible will be billed to the homeowner on his or her subsequent monthly water bill.
(Ord. 5151, passed 3-16-2009)
§ 50.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision of §§ 50.10 through 50.20 shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $2,500. A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during which a violation occurs or continues.
   (B)   In the event of the theft of water or other property of the Utility, the Water Utility is not limited to seeking civil penalties described above in division (A) above against the violator, but may seek to have the perpetrator of such offense prosecuted by the state for violations of criminal laws.
(Ord. 5244, passed 12-20-2010)