§ 151.292 FEE SCHEDULE.
   (A)   The following fee schedule shall be amended only by action of the City Council.
   (B)   Until all applicable fees have been paid in full, no action shall be taken on any petition or application. No part of any fee paid pursuant to this section shall be refundable.
   (C)   Schedule:
Petition of Application
Filing Fee
Petition of Application
Filing Fee
To Residential
To Commercial or Other
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Use Variance
Residential (1- and 2-Family)
Multi-Family, Business & Manufacturing
Variance (Development Standards)
Residential (1- and 2-Family)
Multi-Family, Business & Manufacturing
Special Exception Uses
Residential (1- and 2-Family)
Multi-Family, Business & Manufacturing
Conditional Use
Residential (1- and 2-Family)
Multi-Family, Business & Manufacturing
Annexations - Residential
•Developed: 1 though 4 units
•Developed: 5 or more units
•Undeveloped: less than 5 acres
•Undeveloped: 5 or more acres
Annexations - Business and Manufacturing
•Developed: less than 5 acres
•Developed: 5 or more acres
Petition of Application
Filing Fee
Petition of Application
Filing Fee
Annexations - Business and Manufacturing
•Undeveloped: less than 5 acres
•Undeveloped: 5 or more acres
Development Plan Review
•Preliminary (PC)
•Final (PC with Public Hearing)
•Amendment (PC) Major
•Amendment - Minor
Administrative Appeal
Text Amendment
Zoning Clearance
New Single-Family & 2-Family Dwellings
Residential addition/detached accessory structure, 120 SF up to 720 SF
Residential addition/detached accessory structure over 720 SF
Detached residential/nonresidential structure or addition less than 120 SF
Single-Family & 2-Family
Multiple-Family, Commercial, Manufacturing
Residential, Single-Family & 2-Family
Multi-Family, Commercial, Manufacturing
Banners and Portable Signs
Awning Signs and Panel Changes
$1/sf - $50 min.
$2/sf - $100 min.
$15 each
$25 min. or $0.25/sf each
Technical Review (Site Plan Review)
Wireless Towers
Written Verifications: zoning, floodplain, legal nonconforming, etc. - research No
$10 per prop.
Written Verifications: zoning, floodplain, legal nonconforming, etc. - research Yes
$50 per prop.
   (D)   The Plan Commission, City Council and any other local governmental agencies shall be exempt from such fees.
(1979 Code, § 151.241) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 5001, passed 12-4-2006; Am. Ord. 5010, passed 1-22-2007; Am. Ord. 5015, passed 2-12-2007; Am. Ord. 5044, passed 7-9-2007)