   (A)   The city’s Director for Equal Employment Opportunity, hereafter referred to as the EEO Officer, shall be charged with the overall responsibility, administration and implementation of the affirmative action plan for the city. The EEO Officer shall act under the authority and direction, and shall report to the Mayor with respect to the administration and implementation of the affirmative action plan, hereafter referred to as “the plan.”
   (B)   The EEO Officer is specifically charged with the responsibility of insuring that all necessary action with respect to the administration and implementation of the plan is taken at all levels of city employment in order to effectuate the city’s equal employment objectives. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following.
      (1)   Establish, administer and provide policy direction for the affirmative action plan so that equal employment opportunity exists in each department in all classifications;
      (2)   Formulate and disseminate directives for the development of realistic affirmative action goals and specific timetables; (These directives will instruct the various department heads to make analysis of all department work forces to determine areas which fall below desired and stated plan levels.)
      (3)   Augment training programs designed to facilitate career advancement by minorities and women;
      (4)   Assist department heads in technical administration of the plan;
      (5)   Interpret the goals of the affirmative action program and plan to all department heads, minority groups and women;
      (6)   Establish and maintain a special recruitment program, conduct recruitment and orientation among women and in minority group communities and develop regular communication channels with minority neighborhoods to assure that employment information is widely disseminated;
      (7)   Analyze testing procedures and all other aspects of the recruitment and classification process to insure that artificial barriers to hiring minority and women applicants or promoting minority and women employees are eliminated;
      (8)   Work closely with all department heads in obtaining and updating data on the job classification, minority and sex status of employees;
      (9)   Analyze and remove artificial barriers in job class specifications which discriminate against women, and actively recruit women to apply for job classifications which have been traditionally occupied by men;
      (10)   Prepare reports and collect data as authorized by the Mayor on the minority and sex composition of city employment;
      (11)   Continue to develop the city’s affirmative action program;
      (12)   Insure that the city’s policies regarding equal employment opportunity are in fact communicated to all levels of employment within each city department and to the community at large;
      (13)   Monitor the city’s performance through audit and reporting systems to assure the effectiveness of the plan;
      (14)   Insure that hiring, promotion, and salary administration practices are fair and fully consistent with the city’s non-discrimination policy;
      (15)   Identify problem areas and establish programs and remedies to aid in problem solving; and
      (16)   Work in cooperation with the Civil Rights Agency to insure all steps required for compliance by the city with this plan.
(1979 Code, § 37.02) (Ord. 3262, passed 12-9-1980)