(A) A plumbing contractor or owner/occupier wishing to do plumbing work must obtain a permit. The replacement of existing hot water heaters shall require a permit. Exterior plumbing work shall require an excavation permit from the Department of Public Works and Utilities.
(B) Prior to the issuance of any plumbing permit, the Plumbing Inspector shall review the plumbing permit application to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and shall ascertain that the required clearances and permits issued by other Department have been obtained.
(C) Exceptions. The following shall not require a plumbing permit:
(1) The maintenance of any plumbing fixture.
(2) The replacement of a plumbing fixture, when the replacement is of the same type and does not involve a change of location.
(3) The replacement of drainage or supply pipe or fittings, when such replacement does not involve changing the location of the pipe.
(4) The maintenance, alteration or replacement of exterior plumbing installations between the structure and the property line of the public ways.
(Ord. 5081, passed 12-3-2007; Am. Ord. 5578, passed 4-17-2017)