(A) Persons and corporations acting as plumbing contractors, who are doing plumbing as defined in this chapter or in I.C. 25-28.5, Plumbers or in I.C. 25-1, General Provisions or in IAC 860, Indiana Plumbing Commission, Article 1, General Provisions and journeyman plumbers as defined in I.C. 25-28.5-1-2 and apprentice plumbers as defined in I.C. 25-28.5-1-2, within the corporation limits of the city are required to register their State of Indiana plumbing license with the Building Department of the city.
(B) The following registration information shall be required:
(1) The State of Indiana plumbing license number;
(2) The name and street address of the licensed plumber including a P.O. Box if used for mailing purposes;
(3) A contact person if different than the named plumber; and
(4) A business street address if different than the named plumber's home address including a P.O. Box if used for mailing purposes.
(C) The city Building Department may also require some suitable means of identifying the plumber, company, corporation or other business entity.
(D) A plumbing license registration is only issued to individuals. Companies, corporate entities and other legal business entities shall designate an individual to hold the registration in their name. Any orders, fines, penalties, sanctions, suspensions or other actions taken in regard to any company, corporate entity or other legal business entity shall be taken against the designated individual. Notwithstanding all orders, fines, penalties, sanctions, suspensions or other actions taken against any individual designated as the plumbing registration holder for any company, corporate entity or other legal business entity shall be the same as if they were taken in against the company, corporate entity or other legal business entity.
(E) Exceptions:
(1) Owner/occupiers are not governed by the requirements of this section.
(2) Softener installers, who fall under the Indiana Plumbing Commission Statutes and Rules, Title 25, Article 28.5, Plumbers, are not governed by the requirements of this section.
(Ord. 5081, passed 12-3-2007)