   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALTERATION. Any material change in the external architectural features of any historic structure within a historic district.
   HISTORIC COMMISSION. The Historic and Cultural Preservation Commission.
   DEMOLITION. The substantial deterioration or complete or substantial removal or destruction of any historic structure or any structure which is located within a historic district.
   HISTORIC DISTRICT. A concentration of buildings, structures, objects, spaces or sites which may be limited to the boundaries of a property containing a single building, structure, object or site and have been designated by ordinance by the City Council, or for which application for such listing is pending with the Historic Commission; provided that, the Historic Commission will determine within 90 days of receipt of an application pursuant to § 36.187 of this subchapter whether to list the property, and any property not so listed will not be considered an historic district within the terms of this subchapter.
   INTERESTED PARTY. One of the following:
      (1)   The Mayor;
      (2)   The City Council;
      (3)   The Plan Commission;
      (4)   A neighborhood association, whether incorporated or unincorporated, a majority of whose members are residents of a historic district designated by an ordinance adopted under this title;
      (5)   An owner or occupant of property located in a historic district established by an ordinance adopted under this title;
      (6)   Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, Inc., or any of its successors; and
      (7)   The state historic preservation officer designated under I.C. 14-21-1-19.
   PRESERVATION GUIDELINES. Criteria, locally developed, which identify local design concerns in an effort to assist property owners in maintaining the character of the designated district or buildings during the process of rehabilitation or new construction.
(1979 Code, § 36.110) (Ord. 4367, passed 6-15-1998)