Within 4 weeks after the effective date of this section, all members shall be appointed as herein provided. Within 4 weeks after all are appointed, the members shall meet to select a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary. At the first meeting of every calendar year, thereafter, the officers shall be selected in the same manner. All members of the Energy Conservation Commission shall serve without compensation and any 5 members shall constitute a quorum. The Commission shall meet not less than 4 times per year at the call of the Chairperson.
(1979 Code, § 36.48) (Ord. 3228, passed 7-21-1980)
(A) The purpose of the Energy Conservation Commission shall be to develop and encourage energy conservation programs and policies.
(B) In carrying out this purpose, the Commission may exercise the following powers.
(1) Advise the City Administration and the Council on efficient uses of present and future sources of energy by developing long-range energy conservation plans and emergency energy plans;
(2) Review the energy plans in each department, bureau and other subdivisions of the city;
(3) Make information available on energy conservation to the industrial, commercial, residential, business, governmental, recreational and transportation areas of the community;
(4) Act as a clearing house for activities and information related to energy conservation;
(5) Develop and recommend legislation which would foster conservation of energy;
(6) Stimulate awareness and promote public participation in energy conservation programs; and
(7) Obtain necessary data and information from the various departments, bureaus and other subdivisions of the city in order to exercise its powers.
(1979 Code, § 36.49) (Ord. 3228, passed 7-21-1980)