The following qualifications shall govern primary approval of a preliminary subdivision plan:
(A) The subdivision plan must comply with the purpose statement and all applicable regulatory sections of the city’s Zoning Chapter.
(B) A subdivision bordering on or containing a regulated county drain must obtain necessary approvals from the county’s Drainage Board.
(C) The Plan Commission may require changes or revisions as deemed necessary to meet the requirements or intent of this chapter.
(D) Subsequent approvals will be required from the appropriate city departments of engineering plans for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, grading, roadway construction and other infrastructure prior to final plat approval.
(E) (1) Approval is tentative and shall be valid for a maximum period of 12 months.
(2) The city’s Plan Commission may grant an extension upon written request.
(3) If the final plat has not been recorded within the time limit, the primary approval is null and void and the preliminary subdivision plan must be resubmitted for approval.
(1979 Code, § 152.44) (Ord. 3909, passed 4-3-1989)