   (A)   Certificate of approval (all subdivisions). 
   Under the authority provided by P.L. 309, Acts 1981 and P.L. 211, Acts 1982, enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all acts supplemental and amendatory thereof, and by Ordinance adopted by the Common Council of the City of Elkhart, Indiana, this plat was given secondary approval by the City of Elkhart as follows:
   Approved by the Plat Committee at a meeting held                                                               .
   Approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety at a meeting held                                .
   (B)   Land surveyor’s certificate. Each final plat submitted for secondary approval shall carry a certificate signed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in substantially the following form:
   I, (Name), hereby certify that I am a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, licensed in compliance with the laws of the State of Indiana; that this plat correctly represents a survey completed by me on (Date); that all the monuments shown thereon actually exist; and that their location, size, type and material are accurately shown.
   (C)   Dedication certificate. Each final plat submitted for secondary approval shall carry a deed of dedication in substantially the following form:
   We, the undersigned, (Name), owners of the real estate shown and described herein, do hereby lay off, plat and subdivide said real estate in accordance with the herein plat.
   This subdivision shall be known and designated as (Name), an addition to the City of Elkhart, Elkhart County, State of Indiana. All streets and alleys and public open spaces shown and not heretofore dedicated, are hereby dedicated to the public. No permanent or other structures are to be erected or maintained upon the easements as shown on the plat, but owners of lots of this subdivision shall take their titles subject to the rights of the public utilities, and to the rights of the owners of other lots in this subdivision.
      (Additional dedications and protective covenants, or private restrictions, would be inserted here upon the subdivider's initiative or the recommendation of the Commission; important provisions are those specifying the use to be made of the property and, in the case of residential use, the minimum habitable floor area.)
   WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEALS THIS        DAY OF         , 20   
   (D)   Other forms. Other certificates, affidavits, endorsements or exceptions may be required by the Plan Commission or Plat Committee.
(1979 Code, § 152.20) (Ord. 3909, passed 4-3-1989)