§ 152.001 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALLEY. A strip of land, not less than 20 nor more than 40 feet in width, along the side or rear lot lines of properties, intended to provide access to these properties, and dedicated to public use.
   BUILDING SETBACK LINE. A line within a lot or other parcel of land designated on the proposed subdivision plat, which indicates the area between it and the adjacent boundary of the street right-of-way upon which the lot abuts, where the erection of an enclosed structure or portion thereof is prohibited.
   CROSS-WALKWAY. A strip of land dedicated to public use, which is reserved across a block to provide pedestrian access to adjacent areas.
   EASEMENT. A grant by a property owner for the use of a strip of land by the general public, a corporation or a certain person for a specific purpose.
   INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION. A subdivision of property for industrial or business uses permitted when located on land zoned M-1, M-2 or M-3.
   INTERESTED PARTY. A property owner of record whose property’s boundary is within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision.
   LOT. A portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended for transfer of ownership or for building development.
   MINOR SUBDIVISION. A subdivision consisting of no more than 3 lots, sites or parcels which does not:
      (1)   Establish any new street or easement of access; or
      (2)   Substantially affect existing drainage systems.
   PLAT. A document showing the division of a parcel of land, which is to be recorded after approval under this chapter.
   PLAT COMMITTEE. A committee appointed by the Plan Commission to act on its behalf in accordance with the authority vested in it by the Plan Commission.
   PRIMARY APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL. A decision by the Plan Commission or Plat Committee to accept or reject a subdivision based on:
      (1)   The standards of this chapter; or
      (2)   Conditions set by the Plan Commission or Plat Committee for secondary approval.
   PUBLIC STREETS. All primary, secondary, cul-de-sac and minor streets shown on the subdivision plat to be dedicated for public use. All such public streets must comply with the city’s Engineering Department design and construction standards.
      (1)   CUL-DE-SAC. A street having one open end and being permanently terminated by a vehicle turnaround.
      (2)   MARGINAL ACCESS STREET (FRONTAGE ROAD). A minor street, parallel and adjacent to primary streets and highways, which provides access to abutting properties and protection to local traffic from through-traffic on primary streets.
      (3)   MINOR STREET. A street intended primarily as access to abutting properties.
      (4)   PRIMARY (MAJOR) STREET. A street of considerable continuity which serves or is intended to serve as a major traffic artery connecting large areas.
      (5)   SECONDARY (COLLECTOR) STREET. A street which carries traffic from minor streets to the primary street system, including the principal entrance streets of residential developments and streets for circulation within those developments.
      (6)   STREET. An area which serves or is intended to serve as a vehicular and pedestrian access to abutting lands or to other streets and dedicated to public use.
   REPLAT. A document showing the division or modification of an existing platted subdivision or portion of it, and which is to be recorded after approval under this chapter.
   SECONDARY APPROVAL. A determination by the Plan Commission or Plat Committee that a subdivision plat meets all standards and conditions set by this chapter and the primary approval. The final step prior to recording a plat.
   STREET WIDTH (RIGHT-OF-WAY). The shortest distance between lines of lots delineating the area to be used as a public street or alley.
   SUBDIVIDER. The person(s) responsible for preparing and recording the plat of a subdivision and for carrying out all appropriate requirements of this subdivision chapter.
      (1)   For the purpose of this chapter a subdivision is any of the following:
         (a)   The division of land into 2 or more lots, sites or parcels any one of which is 3 acres or less in area.
         (b)   Establishment or dedication of a road, highway, street or alley through a tract of land regardless of its area.
         (c)   The redivision of existing divided or platted land resulting in an increase in the number of lots, sites or parcels.
      (2)   A division or redivision of land is not a subdivision if:
         (a)   The sale, exchange or reconfiguration of parcels of land does not result in the creation of additional lots. These newly created lots must meet all dimensional and area requirements as prescribed in this chapter and Chapter 151 of this code of ordinances.
         (b)   A court orders the division of land.
(1979 Code, § 152.01) (Ord. 3909, passed 4-3-1989)