Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the following development standards shall apply to all wireless communication facilities.
(A) Height standards. The maximum height of wireless communications facilities shall be less than 200 feet above the surface grade.
(B) Tower separation. Towers shall be separated from residentially-zoned or used properties by a minimum distance in feet determined by multiplying the height of the tower (in feet) by a factor of 2.5 (The minimum separation distance is 2-1/2 times the height of the tower).
(C) Setback standards.
(1) Wireless communication facilities located on properties zoned B-2 Community Business District, B-3 Service Business District and B-4 Regional Business District, shall be located to the rear of the primary building.
(2) Wireless communication facilities located on properties zoned M-1 Limited Manufacturing District and M-2 General Manufacturing District shall comply with setback requirements for accessory structures, unless attached to the primary structure.
(D) Fencing and landscaping requirements.
(1) Fencing. An opaque fence, a minimum of 8 feet in height and a maximum of 15 feet in height, constructed of painted or treated wood, painted or textured block, or brick shall be maintained in good repair around each wireless communication facility. Nothing herein shall prevent fencing that is necessary to meet requirements of state or federal agencies.
(2) Landscaping. There shall be a minimum of a 4-foot landscape strip along the perimeter of the fence enclosure. The landscaped strip shall be planted with shrubbery, trees and groundcover, and shall comply with the planting standards as set forth in this chapter.
(E) Aesthetics, placement, materials and colors. Wireless communication facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the existing structures and their surroundings to the extent feasible, including placement in a location which is consistent with proper functioning of the wireless communications facility, the use of compatible or neutral colors or camouflage technology.
(F) Lighting. Wireless communication facilities shall not be artificially illuminated, directly or indirectly, except for security and safety lighting and other illumination as may be required by the FAA or other applicable authority. All lighting shall be installed in a manner that will minimize impacts on adjacent properties.
(G) Maintenance inspections. All guyed towers, including those installed prior to December 6, 1999, shall be inspected every 2 years. Self-supporting towers shall be inspected every four years. Each inspection shall be by a qualified professional engineer or other qualified inspector, and any inspector-recommended repairs and/or maintenance should be completed without unnecessary delay. A copy of the final inspection report shall be filed in the Planning and Zoning office. At a minimum, each inspection shall include the following:
(1) Tower structure: Including bolts, loose or damaged members, signs of unusual stress or vibration.
(2) Guy wires and fittings: Check for age, strength rust, wear, general condition and any other signs of possible failure.
(3) Guy anchors and foundations: Assess for cracks in concrete, signs of corrosion, erosion, movement, secure hardware and general site condition.
(4) Condition of antennas, transmission lines, lighting, painting, insulators, fencing, grounding and elevator, if any.
(5) For guyed towers: Tower vertical alignment and guy wire tension (both required tension and present tension).
(H) Radio frequency emissions/sound. The following radio frequency emissions standards shall apply to all wireless communications facility installations.
(1) Radio frequency impact. The FTA gives the FCC jurisdiction over the regulation of radio frequency (RF) emissions, and wireless communications facilities that do not exceed the FCC standards shall not be conditioned nor denied on the basis of RF impact.
(2) FCC compliance. In order to provide information to its citizens, copies of ongoing FCC information concerning wireless communications facilities and RF emissions standards may be requested. Applicants for wireless communications facilities shall be required to provide information with the application on the measurement of the effective radiated power of the facility and how this meets the FCC standards.
(3) Sound prohibited. No unusual sound emissions such as alarms, bells, buzzers or the like are permitted.
(I) Structural integrity. Wireless communications facilities with support structures shall be constructed to the Electronics Industries Association/Telecommunications Industries Association (EIA/TIA) 222 Revision F Standard titled Structural Standards for Steel Antennas Towers and Antenna Support Structures (or equivalent), as may be updated and amended. Each Support Structure shall be capable of supporting multiple antenna arrays.
(J) Permitted wireless communication facilities. Wireless communications facilities attached to attachment structures or monopoles that are 70 feet or less in height and that meet the development standards as set forth in this section, may be administratively approved by the Planning and Zoning Staff in the B-2, B-3, B-4, M-1 and M-2 zoning districts except as hereinafter specified. All others located in the B-2, B-3, B-4, M-1 and M-2, regardless of type or location shall be subject to review in a public hearing by the Plan Commission and may not be approved by the Administrative Review process.
(K) Historic districts and overlay districts. Wireless communication facilities to be located within an established Historic District, including single site historic designations shall be subject to review by the Historic and Cultural Preservation Commission (HCPC). Review by the HCPC shall be in accordance with procedures for a Certificate of Appropriateness.
(1979 Code, § 151.213) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 4457, passed 12-6-1999; Am. Ord. 4683, passed 7-1-2002) Penalty, see § 151.999