(A) Authority to review and approve development plan amendments:
(1) The planning staff may review and approve proposed minor amendments provided that the changes:
(a) Maintain the purpose and intent of the original approved development plan; and
(b) Do not result in: the addition, deletion or relocation of approved curb cuts onto public streets or cross access drives onto adjoining properties; increase the density or size of the development; reduce or alter the perimeter treatment of the site; change the use of the development; reduce approved setbacks for buildings, structures and other site elements; or create a significant impact on surrounding properties or the development plan district in which it is located.
(2) The review shall be completed within 10 working days of submittal.
(3) All other amendments shall be deemed major and must be reviewed and approved by the Plan Commission following a public hearing.
(B) After preliminary or final approval of a development plan has been granted, any amendments thereto shall be submitted by the applicant to the Planning and Zoning Office. The submission shall be on a form prescribed by the Plan Commission, signed by the owner(s) of record and include all supporting documentation and plans pertinent to the proposed amendment, and the appropriate filing fee if a public hearing is required.
(C) Review and approval of a development plan amendment by either the planning staff or the Plan Commission shall be governed by the procedures specified for final plan approval by that authority.
(D) The Plan Commission may require a public hearing on amendments to a development plan regardless of the procedure applied for preliminary or final approval of that development plan. The Plan Commission may waive any procedural or submission requirements otherwise specified under this section, as it deems necessary, when reviewing an amendment of an approved development plan.
(1979 Code, § 151.157) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998)