(A) The city recognizes that development, especially within certain districts or geographic areas, can have major impacts on the visual and physical character of the city. Consequently, it has established the requirement of “development plan” submittal and approval within critical specified zoning districts. These include: CBD, Central Business District; B-4, Regional Business District; OP, Office Park District; and BP, Business Park District. Within these districts, a high level of site and building plan review is required.
(B) The city further recognizes that the need for this increased level of review may not always occur within the fixed boundaries of a specific zoning district. Instead, areas of major developmental impact may occupy only a portion of a zoning district or include all or portions of several districts. These could include:
(1) Corridors along major traffic arteries, including gateways into the city; or
(2) A specific geographic area which due to its location, land uses, physical character or other factors significantly affects on the overall character of the city.
(C) It is the intent of this section to permit the establishment of Development Plan Overlay Districts to supplement those specified zoning districts requiring the submittal and approval of a “development plan.” The purpose of these overlay districts is to:
(1) Encourage orderly and compatible development;
(2) Encourage a high standard of visual quality within the district;
(3) Protect existing and future property values;
(4) Promote the safe flow of traffic on streets within the district and the integration of various transportation options including pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular networks; and
(5) Protect and preserve the quality and integrity of residential neighborhoods within and adjacent to the districts.
(1979 Code, § 151.130) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998)