   (A)   City Council action. When adopting or amending a PUD ordinance the City Council may:
      (1)   Impose reasonable conditions on a proposed PUD;
      (2)   Condition issuance of a zoning clearance permit on the furnishing of a bond or satisfactory written assurance guaranteeing the timely completion of any proposed public improvements; and
      (3)   Allow or require the property owner to make a written commitment.
   (B)   Plan Commission or planning staff action. When recommending adoption of a PUD ordinance to the City Council, or approving a final site plan or modification of a final site plan, the Plan Commission or Planning staff, as appropriate, may:
      (1)   Impose reasonable conditions on a proposed PUD;
      (2)   Condition issuance of a zoning clearance permit on the furnishing of a bond or satisfactory written assurance guaranteeing the timely completion of any proposed public improvements; and
      (3)   Allow or require the property owner to make a written commitment.
(1979 Code, § 151.090) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998)