   (A)   Notice upon discovery. Whenever a release (other than an authorized release) of any hazardous material, in a quantity which exceeds the reportable quantity occurs on any facilities of any kind, the person in charge, upon discovery of such release, or evidence of mere having been a release, even though it has apparently been controlled, shall immediately cause notice of the existence of such release, the circumstances of same, and the location thereof to be given to the Emergency Services Dispatches Office (county 911 center).
   (B)   Emergency telephone number. The notice required by this section, in the city, shall be given by telephoning “911” or other such emergency telephone number as designated. This one call meets the requirement of notifying local agencies. This shall not be construed as meeting the reporting requirements outlines in applicable state and federal legislation.
   (C)   Duty to control release. The requirements of this section shall not be construed to forbid any person on or about the facilities from using all diligence necessary to control such release prior to the notification of “911”, especially if such efforts may result in the containment of the release and/or the abatement of extreme hazard to the employees or the general public. Delays in reporting releases due to in-house notification of off-site owners/supervisors shall not be acceptable and may result in penalties.
   (D)   Accidental air releases. Accidental air releases in excess of the reportable quantities of listed hazardous materials, on file in the City Clerk’s office, or, if unlisted (as prescribed in § 119.04 of this chapter), shall be reported under the requirements of this section unless a different reportable quantity has been established under a previous agreement between the LEPC and the particular facility.
   (E)   Duty to report to state or federal agencies. No statement contained in this section shall be construed to exempt or release any person from any other notification or reporting procedure required by any state or federal agency.
(Prior Code, § 121.06) (Ord. 13-2000, passed 8-21-2000)