(A)   The following are non-elected city offices:
      (1)   City Attorney;
      (2)   City Clerk;
      (3)   City Administrator;
      (4)   Finance Director;
      (5)   City Treasurer;
      (6)   Director of Planning and Development;
      (7)   Police Chief;
      (8)   Fire Chief;
      (9)   Director of Engineering;
      (10)   Director of Public Works;
      (11)   Director of Wastewater Treatment;
      (12)   Director of Parks and Recreation;
      (13)   Director of Natural Gas System Manager/Engineer;
      (14)   Director of Storm Water Management;
      (15)   Director of Facilities Management; and
      (16)   City Alcohol Beverage Control Administrator.
   (B)   The duties and responsibilities of each city officer shall include, but are not limited to, all requirements of state statutes, city ordinances, and the officer’s job description. Copies of job descriptions are on file at the city’s personnel office.
   (C)   Compensation shall be as established by the City Council as set forth in § 31.02 of this chapter.
   (D)   Each non-elected officer shall take the oath of office as required by state statute.
   (E)   All non-elected city officers shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of City Council.
   (F)   All non-elected officers may be removed by the Mayor at will unless otherwise provided by statute or ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 31.35) (Ord. 07-2006, passed 3-6-2006; Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-20-2009; Ord. 30-2012, passed 12-17-2012; Ord. 10-2016, passed 6-20-2016; Ord. 09-2018, passed 2-20-2018)
Statutory reference:
   Non-elected city offices, see KRS 83A.080(1), (2)