The City Manager or his or her designee is hereby designated to have the authority and powers provided in G.S. § 160A-149(b) and to conduct any investigations hereunder. The Zoning Administrator is hereby designated as the person responsible for conducting any hearing under § 150.54, which hearing shall be conducted as specified in G.S. § 160A-439(c). Whenever it appears to the code enforcement officer that a nonresidential or mixed use building or structure has not been properly maintained so that the safety or health of its occupants or members of the general public may be jeopardized for failure of the property to meet the minimum standards established by § 150.52, the code enforcement officer shall undertake a preliminary investigation. If entry into the structure for purposes of investigation is necessary, such entry shall be made pursuant to a duly issued administrative search warrant by the courts or with permission of the owner, the owner's agent, a tenant, or other person legally entitled to permit entry. The code enforcement officer shall have permission to inspect all exterior areas of the building, structure, or premises as allowed by § 95.41, Right of entry.
(Ord. 2016-03-02, passed 3-28-2016; Ord. 2017-02-02, passed 2-13-2017)