(A) The budgeting and accounting systems of the Commission shall be an integral part of the budgeting and accounting system of the county as such shall be considered a department or agency of the county. The operation of the Commission shall be budgeted and accounted for as if the operations were those of a public enterprise of the county.
(B) The budget of the Commission shall be prepared and submitted in the same manner and according to the same procedures as are the budgets of other departments and agencies of the county and the budget ordinance of the county shall provide for the operations of the Commission.
(C) The Budget Officer and Finance Officer of the county shall administer and control that portion of the county’s budget ordinance relating to the operations of the Commission.
(2005 Code, § 2-81) (Ord. passed 1-23-1994)
Statutory reference:
Commission systems as part of municipal systems, see G.S. § 160A-505.1