(A) Within the county and city, blight exists in commercial and industrial areas as well as in residential areas, in the form of dilapidated, deteriorated, poorly ventilated, obsolete, over-crowded, unsanitary or unsafe buildings, inadequate and unsafe streets, inadequate lots and other conditions detrimental to the sound growth of the community; that the presence of such conditions tends to depress the value of neighboring properties, to impair the tax base of the community and to inhibit private efforts to rehabilitate or improve other structures in the area; and that the acquisition, preparation, sale, sound replanning and redevelopment of such areas in accordance with sound and approved plans will promote the public health, safety, convenience and welfare.
(B) Not only is it in the interest of the public health, safety, convenience and welfare to eliminate existing substandard areas of all types, but it is also in the public interest and less costly to the community to prevent the creation of new blighted areas or the expansion of existing blighted areas; that vigorous enforcement of municipal and state building standards, sound planning of new community facilities, public acquisition of dilapidated, obsolescent buildings and other municipal action can aid in preventing the creation of new blighted areas or the expansion of existing blighted areas; and that rehabilitation, conservation and reconditioning of areas in accordance with sound and approved plans, where, in the absence of such action, there is a clear and present danger that the area will become blighted, will protect and promote the public health, safety, convenience and welfare.
(2005 Code, § 2-78) (Ord. passed 1-23-1994)